About Being A Speaker
Thank you for your interest in becoming a speaker for UII. Speaking engagements can provide you with opportunities to raise awareness about UII-taught disciplines in your community, drive business to your practice and earn additional income.
As one of our alumni, there are a number of speaking opportunities available for you to consider based on your UII education and experience. Please see the qualifications noted below and then contact us to discuss your interests and the application process.

Speaker Resources
Once you become a speaker you may download support materials directly from this site. You will find presentation outlines, customizable flyers, sample press releases, confirmation letters and more. And we are always here to help you along the way.
Speaker Qualifications
CranioSacral Therapy Speaker
As an Upledger alumnus you may seek out and/or accept invitations from local organizations, support groups and schools to present information on CranioSacral Therapy (CST). These presentations are generally from one to four hours in length.
Outlines for one to four hour speaking engagements are available free of charge for qualified speakers. Contact speakers@upledger.com for access and to determine qualificaton.
ShareCare® (SC), CranioSacral Therapy Overview (CSTO) or CranioSacral Therapy Introduction (CSTI) Presenter
ShareCare® is a six-hour, hands-on workshop designed to teach laypeople simple CranioSacral Therapy techniques they can perform on themselves or loved ones. CSTO is a six-hour hands-on workshop designed for a professional healthcare audience, CSTI is a twelve-hour hands-on workshop designed for a professional healthcare audience.
Qualifications to become a SC, CSTO or CSTI presenter:
- Successful completion of at least two (2) CS1 teaching-assistant assignments with a score of 4.5 or higher within the past three (3) years, preferably with at least two different CS1 Instructors.
- Successful completion of SER1
- Completed application packet
- Written recommendations from 2 UII CST instructors (use recommendation forms)
- Successful completion of a CranioSacral Presentation Tools (CSPT) Workshop.
Study guides for SC, CSTO or CSTI must be purchased through our Educational Services Department at 1-561-622-4334 | 1-800-233-5880 or www.upledger.com. You must successfully attend or assist a Upledger CS1 seminar and present a SC, CSTI or CSTO as applicable at least once every three years to maintain your presenter status.
ShareCare® or Introduction Presenter Qualifications to present to Birthing Professionals
"Birthing Professional" is defined as anyone working in the pregnancy, birthing or neonatal community. This includes Midwives, OB Doctors and Nurses, Doulas, Lactation Consultants, etc.
Qualifications to become a presenter for Birthing Professionals:
- Approved CranioSacral Therapy Overview (CSTO) Presenter
- Successful Completion of CCPB1
- Successful Completion of CACCPB1 or CST Diplomate Certified
- Techniques Certified
- Completed application packet
- Recommendation from appropriate course ombudsman.
Study guides must be purchased through our Educational Services Department at 1-561-622-4334 | 1-800-233-5880 or www.upledger.com. You must successfully attend or assist a Upledger CS1 seminar and present to birthing professionals at least once every three years to maintain your presenter status.
CST Certified Presenter Program
To become a CST Certified Presenter you are required to successfully complete the CranioSacral Presentation Tools (CSPT) Workshop. This four-five day, small-group tutorial is designed to bolster your confidence and skills in presenting CST workshops. Led by a certified CST instructor, this program offers you invaluable opportunities to practice your presentation skills. Once you become certified, you are eligible to speak at events or conventions on behalf of UII which could generate extra revenue and exposure for you and your practice.
In addition to building confidence, there are many benefits to participating in this program:
- You'll be among the first we turn to when scheduling workshops and speaking engagements
- You'll receive a 25% discount on CST study guides
- If you ever want to become a CranioSacral Therapy 1 instructor, this experience may count toward your certification requirements
To register for the CranioSacral Presentation Tools (CSPT) Workshop, call our Educational Services Department at 1-561-622-4334 | 1-800-233-5880. Class size is limited.
Speaker Resources
Learn more about the qualifications to become a speaker.
We've also customized Speaker's Packets for each of our core modalities. These packets include information such as Frequently Asked Questions, UII history, and articles. Click here to download information from these packets.
Congratulations on your upcoming speaking opportunity! For your convenience we've created speaker's packets full of helpful information for your presentation. They include basic information on our core modalities CranioSacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy and Healing From the Core.
Each customizable packet contains a Frequently Asked Questions sheet, a history of Upledger Institute International, a link to purchase Upledger "Discover" brochures and one feature article about the modality. Additional topic-specific articles can be located with the assistance of the Upledger Article Bibliography. Articles listed in the Bibliography cannot be linked to directly, so you will need to contact the publication source for copies.
If you would like to receive handouts via mail, we need a minimum of 10 days advance notice to prepare your packets and a $25 speaker's packet fee will be charged.
CranioSacral Therapy
- CranioSacral Therapy FAQs
- Upledger Institute International - A History
- Purchase "Discover CranioSacral Therapy" Brochures
- Link to Article Bibliography
Healing From the Core
- Healing From the Core FAQs
- Upledger Institute International – A History
- "The Gift of Therapeutic Presence" by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana – Massage Today, January 2007
- Link to Article Bibliography
Once you become a speaker you can download support materials directly from this site by selecting one of the items from our drop down menu on the left under Speakers. Here you'll find UII forms, customizable flyers, sample press releases and confirmation letters.
If you experience difficulty downloading or customizing the flyers, contact the Business Development Department at 1-561-622-4334 | 1-800-233-5880 or speakers@upledger.com.
Presenters Manual & Marketing Kit
Created for your convenience, this manual is full of ideas and tools that can help you set up, market and carry out a successful speaking engagement. Within it you will find a list of presenter options available to you based on your education and experience as a UII alumnus.
We've also included information on how to organize and promote your workshop, as well as what type of support you can receive from UII when presenting. Our goal is to help you create successful presentations that raise awareness about the work you're doing, drive business to your practice and allow you to earn additional income as a progressive-thought leader in your community.
The manual also contains a number of forms, templates for press releases and confirmation letter samples to help you work with us and create a professional presentation. Customizable flyers and outlines are also available from the dropdown menu to the left under Speakers, but are not included in this manual. Course outlines are password protected and passwords can be obtained by contacting the Business Development Department at 1-561-622-4334 | 1-800-233-5880 or speakers@upledger.com.
For your convenience, we've included three forms that will be useful to you as a UII presenter.
The Class Addition & Speaking Engagement Forms can be used for two purposes: 1) If you are hosting an Upledger ShareCare, CSTO, or CSTI, please complete the entire first page of this form. 2) If you are presenting a one to six hour speaking engagement in your community (approved presentation lengths depend upon the topic presented), please fill out the Presenter Information at the top of page one only, then complete all of page two.
The Registration Form is provided to help you capture the necessary information when taking registrations for your UII workshop.
The W-9 Form is a government form necessary for any presenter receiving funds from UII. If you are not expecting a check from us, there is no need for you to print and submit this form.
Here are flyers that you're able to customize with your name and the date, time, location and details of your workshop. These flyers are created in Microsoft Word and should be easy to update with your information.
We recommend that you use these flyers to promote your event and increase registrations by displaying them at local schools, hospitals, clinics, health food stores and health fairs. They can also be inserted in direct mail pieces or area healthcare newsletters.
Press Releases
Press Releases can be a great way to get the word out about an upcoming event in your community. Customize these press releases and send them to your local newspapers, healthcare magazines and community newsletters (check with them first to confirm printing deadlines).
You should also register your event with community events calendars offered in your area.
Confirmation Letters
Use confirmation letters to let your registrants know that their space has been reserved in your upcoming workshop. We highly recommend sending these forms out as soon as you receive registrations. If a registrant has an outstanding balance for your class, you can include this information in the letter, or send them a bill along with the confirmation letter.
For your convenience, UII is also able to take registrations for your upcoming workshop. We have the ability to accept all major credit cards and handle all confirmation letters and billing details for you if you choose this option. There is a 12.5% handling fee on registrations taken by UI. You will be paid all registration fees due you (less handling fee) after UII has received your final class roster.
Please Note: UII must have your W-9 form on file to be paid your registration fees.
These password protected outlines help you create a strong, professional and successful presentation.
About Being A Study Group Leader
Thank you for your interest in becoming a study group leader. We commend your willingness to support and share your experience with other healthcare practitioners. Forming and leading an Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Study Group provides therapists a supportive setting in which to hone skills, network, and share ideas.
Study Group Leader Qualifications
To ensure that consistent information is represented by study group leaders, the application process includes:
- A recommendation from a UII-certified CranioSacral Therapy instructor of the study group content
- Be UII CranioSacral Therapy Techniques or Diplomate Certified
- Be an active CST Teaching Assistant and have assisted a minimum of three classes of that study group content with an average score of at least 4.5 out of 5.
- License to practice

Become Certified
Ready to learn about becoming a certified CST practitioner?
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