This is my second time through CS1 - great to review techniques & re-learn the 20% I forgot or didn't understand the first time.
The profound oral experience with the mouth work and bring clarity to the mind must be experienced by everyone!!! It is life changing work.
Everyone should receive CST work. You improve on all levels, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical.
The time dedicated to hands-on assessment & treatment was invaluable. The constant reiteration of core intent & hand placement made this course feel like I absorbed much more information in a short period. One of the best classes I've taken.
The information in this course is high volume, but it is taught at an organized pace that keeps the student involved.
CranioSacral Therapy is awesome. It has changed my life; it improved my husband's vision and helped my patients function with less pain.
I was very impressed with the organization of the whole Upledger experience, from registration to teaching, to bookstore, to hands-on technique practice.
This was the most comprehensive & enjoyable workshop I’ve taken (in any area of study). I love that it addresses multiple learning styles and facilitates an open mind.
Good balance of scientific, technical, and experiential learning. Very professional and interesting - not dry or boring.
Absolutely excellent. The level of detail, precise instruction, background info, reasons why, clinical application… EXCELLENT!
Realizing how much CS affects the whole fascia really helps to realize how connected the whole body is and that it is not only energy work, but a physical bodywork that helps heal and bring homeostasis.
I wish to take this opportunity to say that I'm eternally grateful to you for the incredibly wonderful work that you have made available to me. Not only does this work serve as my income but has in many ways uplifted me and helped me soar to new heights.
Excellent complement to my physical therapy background.
CS2 completely changed and gave me such appreciation for learning 10 step protocol.
I always enjoy meeting other students with a variety of backgrounds and strengths. It really rounds out the class.
I can't wait to incorporate these techniques in my massage therapy practice especially with relation to TMJ and headache related complaints.
If you have the opportunity to learn CranioSacral - go for it. It'll be one of the best decisions you've ever made.
Excellent complement to my physical therapy background.
Coming from an extensive background in deep tissue treatment, CranioSacral Therapy will be a very different way of working with my clients. And I see how the deep and the subtle work will blend beautifully. I really enjoyed the scientific and anatomical aspect of the course along with the focus on perceiving and getting the work 'in my hands' as the teacher emphasized.
In these 4 days, I have grown intellectually, personally and as a clinician. I am excited to leave here and use what I've learned to help my patients, my family, and myself.
The only thing I regret is not having taken it earlier.
This class enabled me to blend and meld with myself and soul and my group on a deeper level that was invaluable.
(The teacher's) love for teaching and the subject matter permeated every nook of the room and his enthusiasm, compassion, love, and, most of all, his innate ability to convey concepts, which are hard to grasp at times, are beyond comparison. At the very beginning of the weekend, he cast himself as a beacon of ebullience into a sea of restrained excitement, and at the end of his introduction, the ripples had created an ocean of exhilaration. While this was a repeat for me, (the teacher's) metaphors, examples, and general teaching style drove some concepts home that I had previously struggled with. You are blessed to have a teacher of his caliber among your faculty.
Amazing work that should be integrated in our healthcare system and medical schools.
I have been in chronic pain for years and found more relief with CranioSacral Therapy than anything else.
This course is a wonderful marriage of evidence-based science & holistic energy medicine. It treats the whole person and honors the whole body.
CranioSacral training was the perfect addition to my massage practice. It expands the areas of the body I can treat. It also allows for a more gentle approach to severe issues, with greater comfort to my clients.
I am working on my certification. I have some time blocked out each day. It really does open the mind and skills, benefitting both patient and therapist.
The skills can be beautifully utilized in our practices however the therapeutic presence applied to life.
I thought the class was all about working on others. But it was equally about working deeply on myself.
As a specialist in Asian modalities, I find CranioSacral techniques bridge the gap between Eastern & Western, energy & physical work very effectively.
I've had 12 years Public Education, three years pre-dental, four years dental school and 33 years of continuing education courses. The educational experience at Upledger has been the best of my career. The lecture/demonstration and do it yourself model is the best for learning and retraction. The confidence, professional treatment and respect of the participants enhanced the experience. The information given in science and art was sound and conclusive. Upledger shows and demonstrates knowledge and application to the human learning process that is unparalleled in my experience. I suppose there is always room for improvement, though I'm not sure where. Congratulations. P.S. I look forward to MORE Upledger/IAHE Courses!
What techniques & information did you find most valuable? All of them - but primarily the less is more philosophy. As an OT, I don't often use much subtlety on a day-to-day basis, so this was very helpful.
CS1 has brought a new and deeper level to my knowledge of the body and it and its compensation techniques that are helpful to so many people.
I never thought in my dreams of how just a light touch - 5 grams of force - has the power to move the most tough brain tissue.
CS2 completely changed and gave me such appreciation for learning 10 step protocol.
Excellent! Every Upledger class I have taken has been very informative, well put together with fantastic instructors.
Every massage therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist should take one course in CST.
Brilliant workshop. Amazing tools for self-realization.
Amazing on so many levels - this class has been more of a direct path to self-realization - love more depth into jung and psychology of all of this.
What an amazing, profound experience. The skills I have learned in this course will help me throughout my life and practice.
Innerwork expands our outerwork. Find a safe productive space to go deeper. Free up the energy hidden in your shadow in order to live your life more fully. SERTIP benefits this process.
All of my Upledger Institute experiences have benefited me not only professionally but through personal healing as well.
I came into this class very apprehensive about the material and felt very unprepared. I left feeling confident and excited to continue CST as well as use CST to dive into my inner work as well. Thank you!
SER2 is highly integrative of the previous 3 classes and went deeply into the art of dialogue with the significance detector as guide. It brought my understanding, skill and experience to a whole new level.
To go deeper with your clients in CST/SER you have to be willing to first go there yourself. SERTIP reviews techniques from SER1 for communicating with your clients and then some! During the hands-on portion of this class working with fellow practitioners you get the opportunity to learn and grow both as the therapist and as the client. You will experience first-hand how the process releases deep seeded issues from the lower conscious which you may not have even been aware of or dealt with before. The process itself is the healing. I highly recommend this class for any CranioSacral Therapist who wants to take themselves and their work to the next level of awareness, richness and release. You are truly learning from a Master when you train with Stan Gerome.
I have been very impressed with the knowledge and skills of the instructors. I can see that they are successful clinicians and not just teachers.
SER1 helped me cement CST1 and CST2 techniques and opened a whole area of therapeutic imagery and dialogue.
Best class I've taken so far!
Excellent course material. The more you learn, the more you want to go further.
An amazing class! I was initially a bit intimidated to sign up for SER because of the unknown emotional component but the instructor, TAs & students all made it a welcoming experience. I am very excited to bring the new learned tools to my clients. I feel my practice was needing this next level of CranioSacral work depth.
Highly recommend this course. It will change your life!
This was a great learning experience intellectually and physically, emotionally, even spiritually growth oriented.
SER provides the opportunity to practice being present and neutral where healing for self and others occur.
Stan's class is one of my top two favorite CST classes. I got a much deeper understanding of the SER model as developed in SER2. More importantly to me was the self-work done that helped me grow in my personal role as well as therapist role. Stan holds a learning space that is supportive and fun.
Excellent course and instructor. Really helped me tune into myself and face my issues. This course is liberating!
The people involved were fabulous - classmates - TAs & instructor - made some lifelong connection & am so excited to continue practicing CST for the rest of my life.
This course ties everything learned in CST 1 and 2, and then adds another dimension to the practice spiritually, physically and emotionally! It is a humbling and beautiful experience.
SERTIP really clarified a path into imagery and dialogue. I feel more fluid personally and professionally.
I've never felt such safety and acceptance in a community of students where I could soften more and deepen into the wisdom and knowledge of the information.
This work is transformative and allows for growth!
Amazing Material! Amazing Course! Presentation was excellent and questions were encouraged and answered thoroughly. This workshop resonated with me more than any others I have taken! Absolutely loved it!
I think CST therapy is going to change the world. There is so much healing to be done. As we learn CST, we also learn ourselves. Healing ourselves one at a time, we can heal the world. This I believe.
Honestly, I was so not looking forward to this class but it has been the most wonderful class. I am so happy that I allowed my inner wisdom to lead me here. Thank you for offering such wonderful classes, my life has changed.
Beyond the skills we learn to enhance our practice and help our clients, this course curriculum is amazingly helpful with our own personal healing journey.
An enlightening opportunity to witness how everyone's journey is sacred and how initialing SER can support us and unite us as humans in general.
As a professional educator, I am very impressed with the organization and level of instructors. Quality programs.
This class was an oasis in the craziness of my life. Upledger Institute has a great model for teaching, multi-sensual in the mind/brain and in the body. When you take an Upledger course you learn the experience. CST and SER are powerful tools for working with my clients and myself.
The deeper I get into this subject matter, the more intense and interesting it becomes.
My SER 1 & 2 experiences have allowed me to reorganize my life story interpretation to better integrate with the world around me.
Incredible course - really builds upon skill set; great learning/practicing as a group.
This has been an amazingly integrative experience for my own personal development, and my development as a a therapist/facilitator.
Life changing on a personal level as well as from being the therapist as if I was reborn into the work with a new view.
CranioSacral changed my life. Fifteen years ago I'd never heard of it. Now I've changed careers and built a business around CST to facilitate healing for others.
My confidence in bodywork-- and CST specifically-- DOUBLED in the 4 days I've been here compared to all my confidence in bodywork since I started 2 years ago.
If you're looking to advance your skills by willingly going deeper into your own process of growth, SERTIP provides a template for you to find your own way forward.
It's an emotional Roller Coaster where you learn life tools to help others on their emotional journey.
It changed my life. Tim released an energy cyst from my chest that was there since I was 8 years only & had lost my dog (she died) - since having it released my heart palpations that began when I was 13 y.o. have subsided and I can breathe much better.
This made everything I have learned so far with Upledger so much clearer. Now I have so much more appreciation for this work (I already had a lot) but I feel like this makes everything come together. I am leaving here so excited and grateful for this work.
SER1 is a transformative experience. It has been a catalyst to transform me into a more neutral, present and empathetic therapist.
It changed my life. I released an energy cyst from my chest that was there since I was 8 years old and had lost my dog (she died) - since having it released my heart palpations (that began when I was 13 years old) have subsided and I can breathe much better.
All the teachers through Upledger Institute are a wealth of information.
This class, SER1 made me realize the potential for assisting people with any disease state is possible. Just by trusting the process and being in the moment.
Opened a whole new world to explain what I've been feeling in my hands for all these years.
This work is the most subtle, most powerful and transformative of any I have received and offered. It has completely changed my practice.
ADV1 is an extraordinary opportunity to fine tune all levels of CST as well as deeply analyze your therapeutic role and presence.
Wow! What an integrative experience both personally and professionally.
Advanced 1 was a wild ride towards self-discovery, identifying and acknowledging my shadows and strengths and arriving at a deeper awareness of self and others.
The ADV1 class went beyond my high expectations. I feel it propelled me to the next level in my work.
If you want to dig deeper into the brain and its endless potential to heal, then please take this course.
Run, do not walk to this class. It helped to solidify, integrate and synthesize the material I’ve been learning in other classes. Tad is so organized, knowledgeable, and supportive that it made learning fun and easy.
The information presented in this course was so deep healing and the instructor helped to present the material in a scientific, clear, supportive, and compassionate way. Easy to grasp and utilize.
Life changing for myself and my clients.
Something magical seems to be at work gathering exactly to connect group of students together.
I have been using CTTB1 techniques for several years on most of my patients, to their delight. This class CTTB2 I haven’t been this excited to get my hands on my patients with this new wisdom. These tools will allow me to support my patients with gut, liver, immune problems, and support healings. This class gives me a whole-body approach which matches the Chinese medicine approach to the body.
The power of receiving greatly enhances my learning experience and way to connect better with my clients.
Having five days to go deeply into my own work was wonderful. The processing time went very deep as well and was an incredible learning experience.
This class requires you to go deep to places you may not have known affected your health and life.
ADV1 is an extraordinary opportunity to fine tune all levels of CST as well as deeply analyze your therapeutic role and presence.
Advanced Cranio 1 really deepened my confidence and touch and dialogue skills.
True to the philosophy of his mentor, Dr. Upledger, Tad has a gift for teaching vastly complex molecular structures and processes and simplifying it enough to easily get it “into our hands.” His great humor, easygoing manner coupled with his artistic ability and talent for animation of his artwork, make it really easy for an average learner to understand. This new work has the potential to deepen and bring about a more profound level of healing for your clients, from newborns to adults.
This work is about life-- how it works and flows-- connecting hands and intentions non-intrusively to simple witness with the nature of how it all moves-- wholesomely as one.
This is a life skills class--- not just a continuation of curriculum. Invaluable - life changing.
This class enabled me to blend and meld with myself and soul and my group on a deeper level that was invaluable.
I feel this course is a must for all working with brain and spinal cord injuries.
Advanced 1 truly took me to another level as a therapist and as a mother/wife/friend/sister…it was life shifting week. Thank you so much!
I can't fully express how valuable I found this course. Having time and space dedicated to practicing and working through our issues is just incredible.
This course teaches a great balance between scientific and artistic intuitive healing. I felt stimulated in both hemispheres of the brain.
This class bought full circle my experience as a pediatric PT, mother and child. It raised my confidence and reminded me how passionate I am about this work.
Thank goodness I'd taken a few CST classes and been using this work with adults for a few years because children insist you do the work on the move, under the table while explaining to Dad! Thank you for showing me how, with grace.
Increased my understanding of working on adults as I could better understand where the adult came from developmentally.
A life changing course. Amazing applications for those with sensory processing and integration issues, with implications for all persons and practitioners-- ages and stages.
This course empowered me to utilize my hands & heart to change the lives of families.
I was amazed about how personally transformative this class was especially being a male.
I’m always in awe of how much information there is to share in these classes. Thank you for the research and time spent to put these classes and curriculum with us around the world.
I took this class as a pregnant first-time mom and practitioner. I feel so much more empowered and prepared both physically and emotionally to give birth and help other moms and babies. This class will change your outlook on the birth process and deepen your connection to your own birth story.
Excellent experience - great information that can be applied to clients.
CST is based on osteopathy and is not fairy/fake science. It's all scientifically based and gets to the root of many problems in the hands of a good, experienced practitioner.
Anyone taking CST curriculum "should" take this course to help people of all ages.
This information is enlightening and so needed to empower moms and dads to be bringing forth a more vital and strong (healthy) generation.
This course… not only gives you confidence working with children but makes me aware a child part of everyone may still need to be released. Even our birth passage and process!!
Loads of information relative to all my work, not just babies.
CranioSacral Therapy is such a powerful and deep manual technique that can change your life in the most meaningful ways!
This course is helping me to understand my clients, my family and myself!
This class really helped show how strain patterns that started in childhood develop into significant symptoms/conditions in adult clients and us.
There is no other course that has promoted both personal professional transformation in such positive ways. Upledger courses bring out the best in you.
This class is so important. I feel it is imperative for practicing CST at a deeper level - learning to truly blend/mold and what profound neutral really is. A course that shows us how far-reaching CST can be.
I loved this class. It brings tears to think of the way this work can support the whole process of inhabiting the human body.
Instructor and TAs are always knowledgeable and can hold space to make us all feel welcome, comfortable, and confident. Always inspiring.
Although I work mainly with high school age kids with ADD, I'm excited to deepen my practice and have this knowledge to offer to their inner wisdom and experience.
These workshops always give me a sense of connectedness to others in my field.
I hope you remember me-I was in your Sensory Integration class in October. I was the speech therapist. Since returning after your class I have been amazed at how much understanding you actually gave us in those two days. I keep discovering some of the things you talked about and find myself applying many of your suggestions. Again, thank you.
Love Rebecca's knowledge and breadth of experience!! This class intention/content was well met. It gave CST practitioners hands on experience/body experience of what it's like to have glitches in sensory processing. This is an invaluable tool for a practitioner to take in. It gives depth to one's ability to meet self and clients where they are at in the moment.
Going to a class is always a journey. You travel the road to be a better therapist but always leave a better person as well. Upledger is good for my soul.
I believe everyone should take at least 1 ped's class. I do not work with ped's but found this course so helpful in making a connection to adult dysfunctions both physical, mental, and emotional.
This work is life changing in so many ways. Working with children we get to see the generational impacts much more closely and quickly.
What techniques and information did you find most valuable? Going through the birth experience complexion really gave me a greater appreciation of what all babies/kids carry energetically from their & their family's experience.
This work is a game changer. It is going to change the way we help people to heal, thrive, and live.
An excellent class that everybody should take because even though not everyone gets pregnant, we all have birth related issues.
The coursework far exceeded my expectations-- I feel confident on the methods and scope of anatomy and physiology that were covered and adapting that into my energy practice.
I love this work.
This course was very healing for all of us as humans having gone through birth as Mothers having birthed babies. I wish this experience would be available as a workshop for women!
Having a session done with my baby was an amazing experience. I was able to connect and release things in my body that other therapies were not able to accomplish!
Peds1 is a wonderful educational and practical experience to give the student safe tools to approach pediatrics and overcome any anxiety about working with children. The students come away with good concepts as children in process of development - not just little persons.
Information about pediatric development and treatment practices will enhance my work with clients of all ages.
This course has given me a clearer and more distinctive new sensory dysfunction and tools to address children with these disorders
Very informative- Gives a new dimension understanding people!!
The pediatric curriculum is highly recommended! CSP1, CSP2, CCPB1, and SICS.
I was most impressed with how we as therapists can facilitate the connection between a mother and her unborn baby.
This curriculum is truly foundational for anyone treating pediatrics, and for that matter, understanding the impact of the pregnancy and birthing process as it impacts our lives through the ages.
This work allows us to connect with clients at the most basic cellular level and experience each one's unique divine presence. I don't think we could ask for anything more.
CTTB1 gave me powerful new techniques as well as skills which I now apply to CS1 & VM, bringing faster and stronger results.
Transformational - in practice as a professional and as a person.
So excited to learn more about the Gut/Brain connection and about Ways to positively influence eye issues.
Profound shift of perspective about how the brain works.
This class integrates so well with our Brain Speaks, Immune Response and Cranial Nerve classes, offering therapists a comprehensive approach to working with the central peripheral nervous systems with great precision.
This class has taken my CranioSacral skills to the next level. The presentation of the material was very clearly explained with time to practice.
The work Tad is bringing to the CranioSacral community is invaluable. It represents the missing link- helping us understand from a comprehensive, scientific viewpoint how CST works. I hope UI will do everything possible to encourage students to study with Tad.
I am so excited about the possible opportunity to bring this neurophysiology info into use in clinical treatment techniques for my patients. It gives me renewed hope for healing.
Vital information for anyone working with the human body and its dysfunction, especially CNS dysfunction.
It's not just the quality of the teachers, the quality of the students that I love.
I thought the class was all about working on others. But it was equally about working deeply on myself.
Super Super Super !!!!!
This class was an amazing journey! We stayed at a retreat center, where we slept and shared meals together which added to the way we just melded and blended together as we did the sessions. I so appreciate the way the teacher facilitated the group in modeling the CST principles of it being each individual's work both in being the therapist or the client and still being a strong support and holding space for each one of the students. The TA was so in tuned with what was happening in the sessions and an extension of the teacher, great teamwork! What an amazing group of therapists came together with our gifts of CST and in the healing arts and great work was accomplished because of the willingness and commitment of each one to their own work and holding space for each other's work. This class was life transforming.
ADV2 offers a rich environment for CST therapist or receive guidance and deep passions to allow ease in their personal life as well as enriching their professional presence and understanding.
Every therapist should take this. It is an absolute must. The brain runs the show, so if we can improve its structure & function, we affect the body as a whole.
This class was cutting edge in a new way of working with the brain, cord, and body in a holistic way. It was an exceptional, extraordinary class in every way.
This class is a marvelous mix of anatomy/physiology and treatments to utilize. It also beautifully illustrates the evolution of Dr. John's work and legacy.
The content in this course is truly remarkable and gives therapists an edge when dealing with the nervous system. Hope is alive and well in CTTB1!
CTTB1and 2 truly informed my practice and changed how interface. Astounding, Phenomenal, a must!!!
This course is a MUST for advanced practitioners. Not only is it an education in glial cells it is a paradigm shift on how to interface with the system.
This piece will function as an integral piece in my future practice. I was able to learn techniques to enhance my treatments and able to heal both my physical and emotional wounds and scars.
I have had 3 TBI's and a stroke. I also work on many TBIs in my practice and have found Tads classes to be very beneficial for my practice and myself.
Eye opening! Life changing! Takes my work to a whole new level in more than one way!
Very profound learning experience as a therapist as well as a client's perspective.
I found the information practical. It helped me palpate on the cell level in general besides the specific immune cells we practiced in class. When it is applicable to a session, for example I had a client that was repeatedly getting ill for weeks, I focus on the specifics I learned in the class.
This class took my practice to another level and I am atill in awe of the perception that I am developing with my hands. My clients have been amazed at the depth with which this work has helped them.
I use the techniques from this course more than any other course!!!! It is amazing how much this course opened my mind to talking with the different cells of the body!
This class had a great influence in shifting my perspective and core beliefs regarding disease. It brought me to truly believe in the power of our immune system and the ability to heal!
A whole new world of palpable consciousness.
Understanding how the immune system works and knowing some effective techniques for addressing the immune system has been a fundamental part of my work. The immune system is integral to many, if not all issues in some respect, that arise in a CST session. I'm grateful to be able to access the intelligence of this body system to produce more effective healing responses.
One of the best courses I have ever taken. It was a lot of new information. I highly recommend reading Cell Talk and How the Immune System Works prior to attending as it will really help with learning the material. I was able to immediately use techniques and integrate into my practice. I did the yearlong monthly phone call question and answer/ review and that really helped keep the material fresh.
This class is a much-needed addition to your toolbox. Thanks for bringing this information to our culture. I appreciate the enhanced knowledge!
Excellent class! Well thought out and presented material. Valuable additional information for advanced CST/SER practitioners. Learning about the immune system has broadened my skill set and I use the knowledge I gained in class constantly.
I left this class with a profound awareness of the depth of the immune system wisdom and its relationship with life.
It's fascinating and extremely valuable to learn about how our immune system works; so many things are happening at all times!
It's fascinating and extremely valuable to learn about how our immune system works; so many things are happening at all times!
This curriculum has strengthened my palpation skills as well as my overall knowledge of the body and its functions. I feel my awareness of the multi layered body combined with my experience as a practitioner strengthens my skills. Continuously fine tuning my palpation skills on this level of intricacy allows me to further support clients in various and deeper ways when appropriate.
This was an amazing experience not only from treatment but also from the knowledge gained in this lecture.
Move into a new level of facilitation of the body's healing process.
Tim teaches with such clarity and precision. The immune class deepened my experience with CST and has made me a better therapist. It has deepened my connection.
Highly recommend this course to deepen your understanding of the body as a whole.
Learning how sophisticated our nervous system is and learning ways of helping people to feel and heal through its palpation has been fascinating.
Karen is a powerhouse of knowledge! Very approachable and she presented a great amount of info in an organized, logical way.
This class is an absolute wealth of information! Do not miss this one!
What I found most valuable was the ability to see deeper into the body than I thought possible. Details I never was aware of were identified easily.
Be prepared to be amazed.
Well researched, beautifully taught.
The information presented in this course, and its use in the clinic, is what truly sets us apart from all other disciplines. I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this life-changing course.
This class pieces together aspects of how CranioSacral Therapy class information and session experiences relate to the specific nerves involved and why. Great class. Great job!
Learning how sophisticated our nervous system is and learning ways of helping people to feel and heal through its palpation has been fascinating.
Amazing material and Nikki was a stunning instructor. Beautifully done. I cannot wait to see how this work evolves. My very first patient after the class today has chronic diarrhea. No diagnosis, no obvious cause. Lots of elimination diet and no answers come to find out there was a heart gut connection! (Without going into too much detail the heart wanted protection and gave all the work to the gut...they got to talk it out. amazing insight for us both!). Curious to hear the patient’s update next time!
A very in-depth look at an essential system. This of course has given me a deeper understanding mentally and also has enhanced my palpation. Highly recommend it to any cranial practitioner. This class should be required in the curriculum.
As a PT, I have been introduced to the cranial nerves in many different ways over the years, and this class by far exceeds all others. I found it to be the most comprehensive look at the cranial nerves of any class I have every taken. Karen has the ability to break down what can be considered complex material and presents it in a way that is easily understood
This is the missing piece for me working with the brain.
The depth of the class and the minute details are truly worth learning as a part of my expanding world of cranioSacral. Try it, you will love it.
I feel like this is a whole new level of cranial work that has been missing in my practice. If anyone is wondering if they should take this course, they shouldn't hesitate. It is a game changer.
CranioSacral therapy has saved me. It has been a huge part of my personal healing and spiritual growth. I have found it to be more effective than psychotherapy because it clears out body-held trauma without re-experiencing the trauma.
Yes. The brain affects everything, this class brings it all together.
This is a must for every Cranio therapist.
I recommend to everyone that they should take TBS1 if you put your hands on anyone's head in your work. The depth of anatomy allows us to connect to the client’s inner wisdom better as well as our own.
This class deepened my whole understanding of the brain and has enriched my practice. The Brain Speaks offers ways to make real differences for people who experience chronic imbalance. As with all CST classes I appreciate the connection to a larger presence.
This class has had a profound effect on me - it really opened up places that were stuck or depleted. Looking forward to living with this new paradigm/reality.
Brain Speaks has been an extraordinary experience which far exceeded my expectations. The effectiveness of the techniques and approach is astonishing.
What a gift to my knowledge and skill base is all I am gleaning through TBS2 in Denver! Superb material beautifully and elegantly compiled, and presented in an accessible, user-friendly fashion. It builds upon and adds to everything already in my skill set. Again, all of this helps "make the world one touch better," adding to personal peacefulness, which brings more peace in the world.
I continue to learn at deeper and deeper levels each time I take a course more than once and I continue to discover more about my own healing process as a result of taking Upledger classes.
This class is amazing. I highly recommend to everyone doing CST such necessary info to integrate for our clients.
Of all the classes that I have taken, the Brain Speaks 1 & 2 have been the most informative and had the most skilled and empathetic instructor.
What I loved about the class was the neutrality of the work when listening. Content was well organized and presented in a clear way. Can't really do specific work without knowing this anatomy. Great new tools!
There are many ways to change the world. Many ways to make the world a better place. These Upledger CST classes are one of those ways. These classroom opportunities and experience make me a better person. That's the growth. The healing and the growth. As always, thank you.
THANKS, of course. Always so much gratitude for the opportunity to have this experience. The integrity of the institute and its processes and instructors is remarkable. Thanks to all the parts and pieces that make it so.
This course was a missing piece for me personally and professionally. It has helped me heal deep tension in my body. I highly recommend taking this class. It has been life changing.
Wow! Yummy for body, brain, and spirit!
Great pacing of the work; attended to ALL questions; very present & informative & enthusiastic about the course work.
All I can say is when I left, I felt extremely expanded. It was hard to leave and integrate. My brain was so very happy. Getting work done by great practitioners for 4 days at that level and in that energy field- couldn't have a better gift than that.
We are the lucky ones who are able to work on our own issues and stop compensating.
Best class in the upper level curriculum. I learned so much about myself and tools & techniques to take back into my office.
Used our techniques (particularly dialoguing and asking my client to ask her body what it wanted) with a client with chronic pain my first day back. Halfway through the treatment she syas, "This is amazing! I can't remember the last time my body got a choice in things. WOW!"
The gut course has been so revolutionary and definitely the best birthday present I ever offered myself.
Having completed the course Listening to the second Brain, I feel that it has facilitated me as a therapist to deepen my connection within the Enteric Nervous systems of my Clients, therefore enabling significant changes to occur within the person and thus improving their overall well-being. I learnt and experienced the powerful connection between the Gut and the Brain and have brought this and all of the techniques thought to my private practice on a daily basic if not every treatment that I facilitate. The course exceeded any expectations that I had, and now because of my increased awareness of the Gut /Brain connection my Clients benefit on a regular basis. I cannot express my level of gratitude for all the information and knowledge shared within the course and feel it has made and immense contribution to my skill level as a CranioSacral therapist. This course is a must to bringing our work forward.
It was Mind Blowing, it made so much sense!
It answered so many questions I have had over the years.
This class is profound and eye-opening-everyone should take this course to understand the importance the gut has on the whole body.
Every CST, Therapist should take this course!!
Fascinating class that provides so much more information for assisting our clients in their healing journey particularly the understanding of emotional stuff that is being carried by them and the ancestral connections are so enlightening and freeing.
I was there! Can’t recommend it enough, what an amazing 4 days. GO AND DO THIS MODULE!!!
This class opens a portal to a whole other part of oneself that holds memory, emotion, and wisdom. It helps complete the puzzle for whole body healing.
This course has changed my life for the better. I feel amazing!! Knowledge is key. The effect on the client during treatment is also incredible. Nikki & Maria's love & enthusiasm for this work is infectious. I'm so blessed to have taken part. I've developed a newfound fascination with Glial cells & goblets.
Please allow me to take this opportunity to express how grateful I am for your great Gut class.
It was not only very beneficial for my practice, but also life changing.
My gut has always been the hole. Disassociated I could never get a sense of the good qualities in my belly. This class has changed all of that. I’m now on a path of making friends with parts left behind so long ago.
This class has a wonderful way of integrating the CSR and meridian material to best benefit our clients.
This workshop will deepen my practice on so many levels, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, energetically…Thank you!
I've studied principles of TCM for years and now it finally makes sense how to apply treatment effectively and quickly.
Loved the course – have been working with it exclusively this week with all my clients and receiving amazing results!
An extremely valuable experience to expand my knowledge and practice.
Very helpful, able to incorporate what I learned into my healing practice.
I feel that everything that I learned here will be valuable in my practice.
I feel like this class provided a missing piece of knowledge that will be very useful in the future.
This class was amazing. It was easy to grasp the material because of the way it was presented, in print, verbal, and we found the points on our bodies and on our classmates. The frequent demo/practice really helped reinforce the concepts.
If you've never taken a class with Ken, you've been missing out. It's not just a class - it was an adventure.
I had more fun and learned applicable techniques in your unwinding the meridian for my CST practice then I have ever had in an Upledger class. I came back and used 3 of the 12 main meridian entry and exit points on all my clients. There is such a profound improvement in their progress!! One client was in a DEEP sleep! That is what she totally needed. I had another old C5 fracture and he was able to have improved movement in his first three fingers without pain!! Yes, I will be back for the May Class in Indy. 2015!! This week I'm moving on to the Front MU and Back SHU points along with the AH SHI POINTS for my clients.
I have been searching for years to find the best way for me to learn acupuncture for my practice-- finally I have found it!
Awesome experience! Can't wait to use on clients, helping balance and release with little pressure and all intentions but great results.
I would recommend this class to everyone! I wish I had taken it years ago.
Loved this course, pure magic, wish I could be like my teacher.
Connections with the body - mind - emotions-feelings - consequences is an area that continues to be of great importance to teach, educate, and provide to all in our communities to achieve balance, wellbeing, and enjoyment of life.
I received more than I expected. Excellent manual. I loved that I did not have to spend time taking notes. The manual is very complete. Thank you!
I was given the tools that I can immediately utilize with my clients!
CSLRAP helped expand my abilities & techniques in my CST practice
I am excited to take this information and the technique itself to advance my practice. Throughout the course I was thinking of the people who could benefit most.
This was an excellent course for how we can serve our elderly population.
Simply Amazing!
The teacher was extremely knowledgeable, easy to understand, though, funny, and kept us focused and engaged. The class was well organized, and the practical knowledge was invaluable and appealed to all learning styles.
This class rocked my world and what I thought to be true. I was blown away…. I went to precept 3 times Thanks!!!!
This is a life changing experience that most don't get an opportunity to have. Very grateful!
It was an amazing opportunity to see and feel the connections and the pathway that we treat from outside on the inside!!
f you get the chance to take this course, the Dissection class. It's a must!!!
I compare it to looking at pictures of the Grand Canyon, then hiking down into it (and out!), then rafting it for 18 days. You can look at anatomy books but when you experience a good Upledger dissection class….!
This class leaves you speechless. It is a miraculous experience. This class totally changed my view. Before this class my mind's eye was not as continuous as the real body is.
I will never look at the body the same way again! Thanks! This ups the first of its kind-and was so much more in depth from the learning process. Even more than the regular hands-on type.
Challenging in all the best ways, mind expanding, and skill enhancer on a incredibly deep level.
Revealing, eye opening. Great visuals that will further expand my practice!!
CranioSacral Dissection provided anatomical validation to techniques applied externally. I was able to feel (and sometimes see) the direct relationships between techniques applied and CranioSacral system responses!
This class will inform my work in a very profound way. I will always see the body in 3D from here on out.
This course is going to take my practice to a whole different level-I was blessed with amazing classmates and have unbelievable gratitude for the donors.
The CraniSacral Course is extremely valuable and, in my opinion, absolutely necessary to bring your practice to an entire new level.
Thank you for this enlightening class. I have applied the tools that I learned with many clients, and also for working on myself.
Diego carries the heart and soul of Upledger’s teachings. He continues to teach the essential Principles and Praxis of CranioSacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release, Imagery and Dialogue, while extending them into new areas of qualitative research and application. His CranioSacral Therapy and Cyclus Vitae Class is a beautiful unfolding, synthesis and evolution of Upledger’s Teachings.
Excellent, relevant, important information to have in treating all patients.
Great instruction. Really good content. Very useful exercises. Thank you for all of this information and all these techniques. I will be approaching therapy with my clients in new creative ways. I also have tools for my own healing.
This is a must-take course.. It is transforming on a personal and professional level encompassing the true essence of the CranioSacral work.
This CSCV course was just what I needed to have more clarity with some techniques, yet more importantly the personal development that unfolded.
This CSCV Course provided insights and perspectives that have allowed me to shift things within myself that I never expected I would be able to change. I feel like these shifts will also be invaluable to my clients.
I’m holding a vision, to see DDCSP as a prerequisite of the CranioSacral curriculum. The simplicity and application of this work gave me the opportunity to delve within my own potency. Tapping, exploring, and integrating the body-mind-spirit unity. To then re-enliven and sharing with my community. I’m in love, I’m in learning…
I experienced a subtle, but very powerful emotional shift.
“For someone who is new to energy work, and coming from a corporate background, Developing and Deepening CranioSacral Presence, was an invaluable course that not only taught me techniques on how to have a grounded presence and clear boundaries, but it also helped me further develop my palpation skills. I have only been practicing cranial sacral therapy for 8 months and felt the cranial sacral rhythm for the first time on day one of the course. I now understand how important it is to be fully grounded before tuning in with the body, and I know with the tools I learned in the course, my ability to feel the rhythm will become stronger. I am very excited to continue my journey of changing my career to more soul-centered work within cranial sacral therapy and energy healing. Thank you, Suzanne, for creating this new course!”
Amazing experience. Would highly recommend this class to all CranoSacral therapist to bring your practice to the next level.
I did not expect this class to be so emotional, but I learned so much.
This class helped me see my blind spots in a safe environment where I could use the information to transform my being into a more natural state of loving myself and others more deeply.
I cannot put my experience into words. You will just have to take the class. Transformational.
Whatever path someone is walking, I believe this program is gift given to yourself.
This class is a must for anyone who finds the CST classes too challenging either by not having the focus, ungrounded, or not being able to separate out.
Amazing class must take it if one wants to be an effective therapist.
Learning to look in our own internal landscape makes us more available, a stronger container, when we work with others.
Great class. I came away with so many tools to help myself and my clients.
This has been a wonderful experience "Just what the body worker ordered!" Informative, refreshing, supportive. The dynamics were established early and was honored throughout the weekend. Philosophies - protocols - issues were all clearly presented with intention, joy, and generosity. I will use what I learned in this workshop every day. Thank you, Sara.
It was a great experience. Great instructor and Ta's. Very important information for all CS Therapist - personally and professionally.
Clear, concise, grounded, powerful. A must for care givers and wonderful for anyone interested in living a more inter-annually guided authentic life.
This class is a great way of looking at my clients from a whole person perspective with a CST base.
This course was phenomenal. I am seeing the possibilities in helping the chronically depleted. Especially after experiencing the difference of a restriction vs. the epicenter.
I am leaving this course with a more whole body, mind, spirit integrative approach to CranioSacral therapy that I know my clients will greatly benefit from.
CST and Working with Chronic Depletion (CSWCD)
Wonderfully informative, encouraging use of CS1 and CS2 techniques to blend treatment effectively and quickly.
If you’re looking for a greater understanding of these patterns presented in your session’s w/clients take this class!!
One of the best courses for supporting whole person (complex or non-complex) functioning.
This information is easily integrated into my work, and I look forward to the possibilities to come within my therapy sessions.
Dolphin energy is electrifying. It will change you on a cellular level, working from the inside out.
I just returned from the BioAquatic workshop in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. This letter is to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for this extraordinary program and opportunity. The schedule was filled with diversity, challenge and lots of excitement. Our instructors were loving, fun, knowledgeable, sensitive practitioners and skillful stewards.
From the very beginning we all realized this adventure was going to be very, very special. We were not disappointed - it was magnificent. We were on a flexible yet disciplined, well planned and prepared schedule. Each day was different from the next. During our time together we treated each other and were in turn treated by each other. On two different occasions we visited the Dolphin habitat, once to swim and play together and next the dolphins offered each of us their expert therapy. In between we were out on the boat, at the beach, in the pool, visiting an atoll, picnicking, snorkeling, beach combing, being together and healing together.
Though we did a great deal there was never a sense of rushing. There was time to learn, a time to try our wings, a time to rest. During the scheduled and sometimes rerouted flow of events there was always the meeting room. Here we came together often to blend our experiences, question, learn, share, discuss concerns, express ourselves and rehearse upcoming activities. In these meetings we were comforted and given closure to our many and diverse responses to our treatments and experiences.
Though we came from all over the U.S. and as far away as Switzerland, very soon we became close friends determined to spread the harmony, joy and beauty of our dolphin encounter. We have our dolphin pictures, our new knowledge, enhanced skills and our enthusiasm to share with friends, family, clients, and patients. Your efforts have great value. This program is life changing. One person at a time our planet is healing. With appreciation, love and respect,
I learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. I am leaving this course and experience a different person - one I like much better.
Fabulous Experience. The dolphins add a dimension to the work that seems to amplify, expand, and complement each individuals talents.
Really appreciate the loving, accepting environment.
This was a life changing experience. Being one with nature while being nurtured by nature. I highly encourage those who are looking for more out of their life.
For me it was an extremely beneficial goal to accomplish, and my practice has benefited immensely. The process has boosted my confidence and trust in this work.
The journey of getting here has been filled with fantastic learning opportunities. Thank you to each and every teacher, preceptor, teaching assistant and fellow student who have helped me along the way. Learning to not be attached to the outcome has been the best lesson of all. Thank you to the Upledger Institute and Dr. John for creating and running the classes that made this possible.
I passed my practical exam! I am officially Techniques Certified! I will say what I said before. Even though I had been practicing CST for 17 years, the process of doing the certification made me a better therapist. So grateful for the mentorship program which has changed my life and my practice.
I feel that the exam process is very well done and comprehensive. It is a very useful tool for learning more about anatomy and precision, etc. I am very glad I chose to certify - for the learning opportunity. It has made me a better therapist for sure. And I'm glad for that.
This is a very good process to work through. It's not just about having some credentials, which is very important, but also about using this process to solidify your knowledge and your hands-on skills.
The process is thorough, comprehensive and demonstrates the level of commitment to the therapy that the institute and practitioners uphold with such clear and high regards.
It isn't just the pride in earning the certification, it’s the process of honing and solidifying our skills. I've enjoyed it so much that I am committed to helping others with the exam process. You will get more out of all the other classes available to us when the foundational CST skills are solid.
Engaging in the certification process cements those foundational skill and frees us up to explore and listen to the system at a deeper level.
A positive experience which served to validate my "Upledger journey" so far.
Techniques Certification was a career highlight. I've had 12 years Public Education, three years pre-dental, four years dental school and 33 years of continuing education courses. The educational experience at Upledger has been the best of my career.
The lecture/demonstration and do it yourself model is the best for learning and retraction. The confidence, professional treatment and respect of the participants enhanced the experience. The information given in science and art was sound and conclusive. Upledger shows and demonstrates knowledge and application to the human learning process that is unparalleled in my experience.
The process is a valuable and necessary learning experience. I had no expectations. The exam encourages a major learning process and participation in study groups, TAing, participating as a support therapist, in comprehensive therapy programs, and having mentors and clients becomes a part of it. It's a journey. For me, the exam is designed to require an extensive review of all material taught and in doing so gives an overall understanding of how it all fits together - it became very cohesive to me.
I highly recommend all practitioners go through the certification process.
Becoming certified both in techniques and diplomate has helped me to grow. I met many wonderful instructors, students, facilitators, and other TA's. It has been the best investment I've made for myself.
I postponed techniques testing for a decade due to my severe test anxiety. It was such a profound learning experience that I signed up for the diplomate testing just 2 months later.
Helping Children Helping Families - We just wanted to let you know that we continue to think of all of you so often. We had such a wonderful experience at Upledger when our daughter, Charlotte, was there for almost two weeks for the Intensive Program. Each of us felt so energized and so much more connected as individuals, as a couple and as a family when we left. You have an amazing group of people there and we feel so lucky to have met and worked with all of you. Charlotte is doing well. We have definitely seen an increase in vocalization since coming home. Thank you again for all that you have done for us. We hope you are well and hold you very close to our hearts.
My experience in this intensive was that it was very serene, very healing, very powerful-what a great environment for healing.
Wow! I am completely rearranged-I would really like to do this again.
I didn't know I'd had a headache every day for the last 30 years until the 3-day intensive. The back of my head used to feel like it was being squeezed hard all the time, and that feeling is gone now. Also, a very annoying and problematic band of tension around the bottom of my ribcage was released. I will definitely do another 3-day intensive!
This has been a transformational experience-both my daughter and I (a different mother and daughter) have a new perspective on how we will now create our life.
You no longer have an old mother, you have a middle aged mother.
I feel 20 years younger.
I have had headaches and migraines since I was 14 years old. I have felt continuous improvement with CST. Since the intensive this summer, I went without a headache for an entire month, the first time this has happened in 15 years.
I did not know how much sadness there was to be released-I feel clear, lighter, and ready to move on in creating my life.
After learning about the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy for autism, I decided to sign my son up for the mini intensive, (he is 2 1/2 and was diagnosed 10mths ago). It was a great experience, he seemed to really enjoy the sessions and Michael and the other therapists were very accommodating and intuitive. My son was always very calm after each session, which also helped me to relax! Since the sessions, he has shown a tremendous growth in speech and language comprehension, his therapists are thrilled with his progress, as are we, his parents. I can't help but think that CranioSacral Therapy played a part. I would definitely recommend it for anyone with a child with autism or similar condition and will certainly do it again.
The effects I saw were increased confidence and determination and clarity as well as a completely different light in her eyes.
Say Goodbye to Depression - I am SO happy to be able to share my success story with you. I was taking antidepressants (Paxil, Zoloft and Welbutrin, not all at once obviously!) for a couple of years for what was called "situational depression." I hated every moment of it and I didn't get any real, consistent relief for my depression. I never knew what kind of day I was going to have depression-wise. But I continually felt that I wasn't "clinically" depressed--that there must be something else to it.
While doing research about depression on the net, which led me to one of Dr. Weil's message boards, I read something about CranioSacral Therapy (CST). I was desperate to find an alternative to anti-depressants because of all of the side effects that I experienced--memory problems, nonexistent libido, flat lined emotional state, etc., so I looked into CST. The message on the message board specifically stated that if one had had an accident of some sort that may have compressed the spine from, say, a blow to the sacrum, or may have hit the back of the head or forehead that this could cause an interruption in the flow of vital fluids throughout the spinal column and that circulates around the brain. This circulation carries serotonin and other vital compounds to your brain. I had had an accident rollerblading and I fell and landed directly on my tailbone about 2 years prior to reading that message. After the accident it felt as if I was sitting on a grapefruit for about a month, then it suddenly was better. Some time later I began feeling depressed. I found a CST therapist through The Upledger Institute and saw her for 5 sessions. I no longer have to take ANY antidepressants and have not had to do so for over a year! I cannot tell you how happy I am to not have to take any more meds or wonder what kind of day I was going to have the first thing when I awoke each morning. I would love to tell everyone about my experience! Thank you so much for your work and your techniques. I hope you can feel even a smidge of how grateful and happy I am that you have given me back my life. Yours truly,
My clients have benefited greatly from CranioSacral therapy, especially the young ones who I'm happy to say, ask their mums to bring them for sessions when they feel they need it.
From the depths of my heart I thank you.
I was a therapist and a client for a recent 3-day intensive. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was a life-changing experience for everyone involved, therapists and clients alike. Everyone wants to do another one! As a therapist, my skills took a leap forward and the experience of working as a team was fabulous. As a client the overall effect is that I have a greatly reduced level of background anxiety, and as a result of focused work on my sphenoid I'm looking forward to my next eye appointment - I know my vision has changed and I'm curious what the results will be!
I was invited by a grandma who was in town visiting her son and rndaughter-in-law one month after the birth of twin girls to teach the rnparents how to massage their babies. Birth baby 1 was one pound larger rnthan her sister and birth baby 2 was positioned head up under Mom's rnribcage. Baby 2 didn't have an opportunity to turn head down and was rndelivered frank breech, both delivered vaginally. After our baby massagern sessions, which they both loved, I began CranioSacral Therapy work withrn them. Baby 2 had figured out what I knew and took her opportunity to rnliterally dive off the surface she was lying on head first with definitern purpose and strength. I checked in with her craniosacral rhythm and it rnwas in stillpoint, so I followed Baby 2 as the parents watched. As she rnwas positioning herself, her Mom said, "it looks like she is being born rnthe way she wanted to." This coming from a Mom that doesn't know about rnour work!
I know this is not a new occurrence and that many therapists doing CranioSacral work see this often. This was thrilling for me because it was the first time for me that a baby I was working with, re-worked her birth. I am so grateful to her and I honor the trust she had in me to know I understood what she needed to do.
Summer of New CST Clients - My latest brain injury patient had severe head injuries and multiple brain surgeries 40 years ago. For the first time, and right from the first session, his left arm is relaxed, he's smiling, he's reading for hours every day, he's more understandable (and is talking way more) and all his friends say his face is "radiant." His family drives him down every week for sessions (about a 3.5 hour drive each way).
Another new patient this summer has dementia and has been happy and relaxed and reading for the first time in years and isn't seeing all the dead people she used to talk with every afternoon. Another new patient from out of state, an athlete with a T4 spinal cord injury (completely numb & no movement below her shoulder blades), now has feeling all the way to her feet, including complete, normal feeling down to her hips, and she can move her entire back and one of her legs. They're now hopeful that she will walk again on her own. Another client in his mid-50s has been severely depressed his entire life. Every day for his life, he has been sad and depressed about everything and has been suicidal. His parents have had him hospitalized many times every year. He's a medical professional and understands his illness, but can't control it. He even had 2 ECT's (shock therapies) over the years and has tried everything under the sun. He'd been to the ER with panic attacks & suicidal thoughts and had been admitted to the hospital 6 times in the month before coming to me. Within 2-3 CST sessions, he was telling his family that he was happy this elderly mom was in tears when she told me this because he's never used that word in his 50+ years.
CST Success in Chiropractics - I've incorporated CranioSacral Therapy (CST) in my chiropractic adjustments and it seems to have a great impact on helping the client/patient receive better care. One story I have, is of a woman who had for some reason begun to have skin deterioration, had lost most of her hair and hardly had an appetite to speak of. After only two one-hour sessions and a series of holding the occiput and separating the atlas and occiput, her skin condition improved (we did do extensive neuro-emotional sessions prior to the CST that was significant to her healing as well). She now has a voracious appetite but "fills out" proportionately and does not gain the fatty weight. Her skin condition cleared especially at the scalp and in between the fingers. Her hair began to grow back without the itching that was once there. Although slow growing in length, the hair follicles remain intact.
CranioSacral Therapy and Tracheomalacia; Frenectomy

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