About Education Partnerships
Join Upledger Institute International (UII) and The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE) in our partnership for success. Since 1985 we've been teaching proven disciplines developed and delivered by some of the world's foremost leaders in the healing arts. UII is forming partnerships with other successful organizations - like yours - to support your students throughout their careers.
Discover how together we can offer Complimentary Introductory Seminars to your students taught virtually or in person by our national team of Presenters and Instructors. And how you can generate tuition credit or revenue while providing the finest continuing education opportunities to your students and alumni.
The Education Partnership Program (EPP) is easy to implement and rewarding to participate in. You become a partner with renowned and respected continuing education providers—UII and IAHE.
Sign up today to begin earning the rewards of successful partnership. Call 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 to speak to an Educational Services Representative today.
Schools and Organizations: Please complete this application form.

Your school will be providing added value for your students and alumni through the EPP, while earning additional revenue.
Expand your educational offerings for students and alumni, at no additional cost to you, through our virtual and in-person school programs.
UII and other IAHE members offer tuition discounts of more than 50% off full tuition on many Level 1 classes for qualified healthcare students.
Your students enjoy an extended eligibility period for the special discounted rate. They may "lock in" the special discount with a paid deposit anytime up to 6 months after graduation. Best of all, this deposit allows them to take the class at any time, even after the 6-month eligibility period.
An individual may attend any or all of the qualifying classes - so their savings, and their skills, can really add up.
How It Works
- After you sign up with the Education Partnership Program (EPP), you receive an EPP Number, plus a detailed program booklet.
- Use the information in the program booklet to generate interest among your student base.
- Students have up to 6 months after graduation to place a deposit on a qualifying Level 1 class and receive the highly discounted student rate.
- After each Level 1 class, any referral credit due is added to your account. Credit is given when your EPP Number or the name of your school is given as a referral at the time of registration.
- Call us periodically to review the credit on account for you. You can gift the 20% tuition credit to any student, staff, or alumni. Or just ask for us to send a check for the 10% revenue accumulated from your referrals.
- There is no limit on the number of students or graduates who can take part in the program, and they do not have to attend the seminar in the city or state where your school is located - so your revenue potential is unlimited!
- We give you a personal contact to answer your questions and help you implement the program, a complete set of helpful promotional flyers to get your students involved, and a direct link to www.upledger.com from your school's website.
- We offer complimentary virtual education programs, and in some cases, in-person programs.
- We will utilize marketing efforts to support your school and encourage the students and alumni to register to maximize your revenue stream.
- We offer brochures that explain the courses and available discounts to your students, as well as customized flyers with your EPP Number for local classes.
- We provide ongoing e-mail news updates throughout the 6-month eligibility period after graduation and beyond.
- We offer early registration discounts of up to $200 US off of full tuition for your alumni no longer eligible to take part as students.
- Your students and graduates are invited to learn from UII and other members of IAHE - recognized leaders in continuing education.
- Your students and graduates may attend any of IAHE's Level 1 classes: Upledger's CranioSacral Therapy 1, Barral's Visceral Manipulation 1 and Neural Manipulation 1. An individual may register for any or all of the qualifying classes - so their savings, and their skills, can really add up.
Partnership Review
Elite Massage Academy is thrilled to maintain our ties as part of the Education Partnership Program through the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators. Not only has this partnership brought a higher level of continuing education to our region, it has directly supported our students and staff.
The online course overviews are bringing leaders in the field and from all over the country directly into our classroom for interactions with our students. This has sparked a desire to learn these valuable modalities at earlier points in their careers. The discounts offered to the students makes a huge impact on their decision to take the leap and try these unique courses.
As part of the partnership, we have been able to invest in our staff's education as well as my own. I truly believe our student's development directly correlates to the quality of leaders put before them. By utilizing their education for our staff, we are elevating the level of classroom discussions on a day to day basis. Our staff are happy for the opportunities and the students are better for it. I have been able to take multiple courses as well due to the IAHE benefits and it has ignited new passion into my career. It has changed the way I look at pain in the body and the approaches I use to tackle this complaint. If it wasn't for this partnership, it is hard to tell how long it would have been before I had heard of some of these modalities.
Thank you to the educators, staff, and companies working so hard to share their passion and knowledge with the world.
Education Partnership Program Contact Information
Call us and ask to speak with the Education Partnership Program administrator and we will register you as an EPP right away. An instructional booklet will be emailed to you with details on the program and forms that you can use right away. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Our office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-6:00pm Eastern Time.
Telephone: 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2
Email: info@iahe.com
School Information
The Education Partnership Program (EPP) rewards schools for any student or graduate that enrolls in and completes one or more of Upledger Institute International's or International Alliance of Healthcare Educators' entry-level continuing education classes.
- Earn 20% tuition credit for each student or alumnus that registers for and takes a qualifying level 1 seminar.
- Earn 10% revenue for each student or alumnus that registers for and takes a qualifying level 1 seminar.
Student Information
As a student how do you benefit from the Education Partnership Program?
You can save approximately 50% off the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators' level 1 seminars. You may choose from any or all of these entry level classes: CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1), Neural Manipulation 1 (NM1), Visceral Manipulation 1 (VM1), New Manual Articular Approach: Upper Extremity (MAUE), and Lower Extremity (MALE), Spine & Pelvis (MASP).
You will enjoy an extended eligibility period after you graduate for the special discounted rate on these entry level classes when your school is part of the Education Partnership Program. You may "lock in" the special discount with a paid deposit anytime within 6 months after graduation. Best of all, this deposit allows you to take the class at any time, even after the 6-month eligibility period.
Would you like for your school to be a part of our Education Partnership Program?
Send us an email at info@iahe.com to give us information about your school, and we will follow up directly with them.
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