Goals of Case Reports Submitted for Journal Publication
- Increase research literacy and stimulate research.
- Provide forum for individuals to present their experiences and enhance professional development.
- Responsibility of a profession to forward the field and gain further acceptance.
- Share information - will be of interest to others.
- Make CST available and understandable to as many people as possible.
Writing the Case Report - Summarizing your Findings
Submit your Case Report and Abstract to UII at casereport@upledger.com.
Please include your:
Professional Title
Please indicate your profession
Tips developing your Case Report
- Use only one treatment modality and use reliable measures to assess progress.
- Synthesize data and present it only once - You don't need to present all the data you collect - Be clear and concise.
- Don't use "I" or "we" - use "the author(s)".
Pre and Post Measurements
It is important to have a form of pre- and post-measurements to quantify the changes that occurred due to the treatment. Here are some ideas for simple yet meaningful measurements:
- McGill Pain Rating Index (PRI) - A questionnaire is used to evaluate a person's pain level and pain triggers. It was developed by Dr. Melzack at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
- Visual Analog Scales - Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NRS) - This is perhaps one of the most commonly used pain scales in healthcare. The client rates their pain level on a scale from 0 to 10 - 0 indicates the absence of pain, while 10 represents the most intense pain possible.
- The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), created by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, is a 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory, one of the most widely used instruments for measuring the severity of depression. The questionnaire is designed for individuals aged 13 and over.
- Range of Motion, use of Goniometers.
- Photos of pre- and post- changes.
Photo Release Form - Blood Pressure
- Strength testing
- Functional Changes - Bed mobility, gait with/without assistive device, sit to stand, housekeeping, self-care, get dressed (various garments), dry hair
- Medication forms with patient reporting on name, dose and frequency, which will assess changes in medications that might occur during course of treatment
- Other simple measures
- number of steps
- number of hours slept
- number of hours in pain, etc.
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